Reid Yellow Dent (100 – 110 Days) untreated


In the mid 1800s, Robert Reid accidentally crossed “Gordon Hopkins,” an old dent variety, with an early Native American flint. In the mid 1800s, Robert Reid accidentally
crossed “Gordon Hopkins,” an old dent variety, with an early Native American flint called “Little Yellow.” This “mistake” is the base of some of the most widely used genetics in corn production today.

We begin shipping seed in mid-March for the 2024 planting season. Once your order is paid in full, your seed is reserved for you. If you have an earlier need, please contact us.

SKU: RYD110 Category:

• 10’ tall, hearty plants, 9” long, girthy ears of medium placement
• 14-18 tight kernel rows, medium standability
• Great dual purpose of silage/grain
• Plant at conservative plant population

One of the most popular open-pollinated yellow variety grown in the country. Especially well suited for the Corn Belt. Originated by Robert Reid of Illinois in 1847 and improved by his son, James L. Reid, from 1870 to 1900. Color is deep yellow, with a lighter cap, but a reddish tinge often appears. The cobs tend to be small and dark red. Ears are 9 to 10 in. long and 7 to 8 in. around. Ear tapers slightly, with 16 to 22 closely spaced rows. Kernels are very deep and narrow to medium in width, slightly keystone in shape, with a square crown. Slightly rough, with kernels dented on top. Stalks are tall and leafy and make very good silage. Adapted to virtually every state. Seed is untreated. Matures in 100-110 days.

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

1 Pound, 10 Pounds, 48 Pounds